Adoption & Foster Care | Alcohol & Substance Abuse | Basic Needs (Shelter, Food, Energy Assistance) | Child Care & Parenting Support | Counselors, Psychologists, Psychotherapists | Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Support | Education & Job Training | Emergency Services | General Social Services & Legal Assistance | Health & Disability Services | Physicians | Pregnancy Resources | Youth & Teen Programs
(All phone numbers are area code 406 unless otherwise noted)
Catholic Social Services for Montana
1301 11th Ave, Helena, MT 59601
24-hour pregnancy crisis hotline 800-222-9383
Provides counseling and assistance to all regardless of race, religion, or ethnic origin. Adoptive placement – conduct home studies for adoptive parents. Assistance in legal finalization for the adoption in District Court. Adoptive parents must meet several requirements to be considered.
Dan Fox Foster Care and Adoption Program
616 Helena Ave #104, Helena, MT
Placement of youth for whom long-term foster care, adoption, or guardianship is the plan. The program also provides in-home services.
Department of Public Health & Human Services
Child and Family Services Division (CFSD)
Sage Building, 2024 9th Ave., Helena, MT
Youth Dynamics, Inc. (YDI)
219 N. Rodney, Helena, MT
Arranges therapeutic foster care for emotionally disturbed youth, 0-18 years of age. Referral to YDI comes from DPHHS, Aware, and independent therapists working with the children. YDI works with parents of children placed in therapeutic foster care. They also provided the following support services and treatment to parents: weekly home visits by a YDI treatment manager, scheduled respite on a regular basis, monthly training and support group, 24 hour emergency response, ongoing trainings, and a tax-free stipend (a good second income). Family support teams, outpatient therapy, youth case management, and family support.
The Chafee Program (CFCIP) offers services to older foster children between the ages of 14 and 21 who are likely to "age out" of the foster care system or who have achieved guardianship or adoption after the age of 16. CFCIP assists youth in achieving self-sufficiency and obtaining future goals, enabling them to create a healthy lifestyle and successful future.
Parenting Montana
DPHHS and Montana State University have teamed up to launch this awesome website for parents. Browse tons of tools and information to build social and emotional parenting skills. With material and media appropriate for all ages, this site is a wealth of knowledge for engaging with kids as they learn and grow.
Alanon and Alateen
443-0438 - 24-hour service
Support program for people involved with alcoholics. Must keep all things discussed in meetings confidential. Call for location of meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous
110 E. Lyndale Ave, Helena, MT 59601
443-0438 - 24 hour service
AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. If you wish to attend meetings you must agree to keep things discussed confidential. Free meetings are held throughout the week. They offer help in the areas of: Al-Anon, Alateen, Alatot, and the 12 steps.
Benefis Health Care
7 W 6th Ave Ste 2C, Helena, MT
Provides alcohol and drug abuse information and treatment, including addiction counseling.
Boyd Andrew Chemical Dependency Services
111 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 1E, Helena, MT
Provides treatment and referral for alcohol and other drug problems, and diagnoses and individual treatment programs for those abusing mood-altering chemicals. Outpatient counseling, referral to inpatient treatment, aftercare counseling, and residential halfway house care are some examples of these services. A 24-hour crisis line is maintained. Adult and adolescent programs are available.
Eastgate Apartments
3800 Beechnut St, East Helena, MT
Provides housing for low- and moderate-income families. HUD program.
Energy Share of Montana
318 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT
Private, nonprofit organization that provides utility assistance to low/moderate income families. Supplement to Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). Apply at LIEAP (see below).
God’s Love
533 North Main, Helena, MT
Provides food, shelter, clothing, and any other basic necessities for transients and families. Offers a Transitional Living Program – six-month shelter program with support services, counseling, case management, basic needs, and medical needs. Using holistic approach to end the cycle of homelessness.
Good Samaritan
3067 N. Montana, Helena, MT
Provides shelter and general assistance. The Thrift Store sells or gives out clothing, furniture, and household items. Eligibility on a case-by-case basis.
Goodwill Industries Thrift Store
1100 Roadrunner Dr, Helena, MT
Helena Food Share
1616 Lewis St, P.O. Box 943, Helena, MT
A need-based agency (no age or income requirements) that provides free food based on household size. First-time visitors need to bring a social security card for each member of the household to set up an account. Thereafter only a state-issued ID is required. Certain foods are available daily (sliced bread, sweet bakery, general bakery, fresh produce, potatoes, pet foods, baby foods, miscellaneous dairy items, and donated non-food items), while others are available monthly (canned goods, cereal, frozen meat, soup, and pasta). Helena Food Share also has a holiday program that provides holiday food boxes to those in need.
Helena Housing Authority (Public Housing)
812 Abbey, Helena, MT
Provides housing for low-income families, elderly, and handicapped/disabled persons. Rent is based on the applicant’s income. Youth programs for children who live in HHA – call Felicia at 443-8211.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
70 W. 6th Ave, Helena, MT
Serves as a referral for low-income housing.
Lewis & Clark County Office of Public Assistance
3075 N. Montana Ave, Helena, MT
Responsible for administering SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - previously "food stamps") benefits, Medicaid, and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) to families and individuals in need. Eligibility for all programs is needs-based. To be eligible for cash assistance, you must have at least one dependent child.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
3108 McHugh, Helena, MT
495-9894 or 800-356-6544
Pays part of winter energy bills for those eligible. If eligible, the payment amount is determined according to the size of your home and type of fuel used. The Weatherization Program helps improve the heating efficiency of homes and permanently reduces energy consumption. Eligibility is based on income. Owners and renters alike may apply for these services.
Montana Youth Homes
P.O. Box 7616, Missoula, MT
MYH offers group home opportunities for placement of youth (birth to 18 years of age).
Salvation Army
2906 Prospect Ave, Helena, MT
Social Services: 442-8244
Emergency food, clothing, shelter, and utility assistance. Eligible three times in a 12-month period. After-school child care, Summer Day Camp: grades 1-6. Runs mid-June through mid-August. Salvation Army Homeless to Homeowner’s Program.
Section 8 Housing Assistance Program
812 Abbey, Helena, MT
442-7981 or 800-378-7981
Helps families with rental costs. You may qualify if: (1) your household includes one of the following: yourself and one or more family member, a single person 62 years of age or older, a single person who is disabled or handicapped, or persons displaced by natural disaster or governmental action; and (2) your total income is not over the established guidelines.
Social Security Administration
New Federal Building, Great Northern Town Center
Provides retirement, survivors, and disability monthly benefits. Must have work credits and age for retirement and survivors benefits. Medicare benefits, if qualified. Disability benefits are based on work credits and physical or mental disability, age, and very limited income and resources.
YWCA of Helena
501 N Park Ave, Helena, MT
Provides women with safe, affordable, transitional housing. Also helps women access community resources, including health care, job training and opportunities, child care, mental health services, government assistance, rental assistance, and legal services.
Child Care Partnerships (CCP)
901 N. Benton, Helena, MT
443-4608 or 800-244-5368
Child care resource and referral agency linking parents to Best Beginnings Child Care scholarships and quality childcare programs in the tri-county area. Offers technical assistance to new and established childcare programs, and sponsors the Child and Adult Food Program. Parenting classes are available through the Family Resource Center.
Child Support Enforcement
3075 N. Montana Ave, Helena, MT
Department of Public Health & Human Services
Child and Family Services Division (CFSD)
Sage Building, 2024 9th Ave, Helena, MT
Family Child Health Home Visiting
Lewis & Clark City-County Health Dept., 1930 9th Ave, Helena, MT
Provides information, education, referral, and support through home visits to pregnant women and families with children up to age five. Pregnant women are assisted in obtaining prenatal care, nutrition information, housing, and other financial assistance. Families receive periodic screening and assessment of childhood development, referral to community services, parenting education, and general support. Voluntary and confidential.
Family Outreach
1212 Helena Ave, Helena, MT
Home-based services, education, and support to children and families with developmental delays or disabilities. Services for infant through early adulthood. Also provides supportive living programs for age 18 and older.
Florence Crittenton Home & Services
901 N. Harris, Helena, MT
Offers residential group home care for pregnant and parenting adolescent women. The focus of the program is therapeutic and educational. Residential programs offered for: prenatal, mother/baby, and independent living training. Also provided are outpatient services, counseling services and classes for young mothers, fathers, and parents, as well as a moderate-level therapeutic group home for non-parents.
Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies – The Montana Coalition
1235 Birch #1, Helena, MT
449-8611 or 800-421-6667
Parents can obtain free information about parenting by calling the toll-free number listed above. Information includes referrals to health care, social services, healthy pregnancy information, accessing healthy food, safety, and more.
PLUK – “Parents Let’s Unite for Kids”
PLUK is a parent coalition that has been formed to provide information and support to individuals with disabilities and their families. The philosophy of PLUK is to use parents to help other parents cope with the special needs of their children. There are many resources and services available to the handicapped in Montana, but parents are not always aware of them or do not know how to tap into them, which PLUK assists with.
Rocky Mountain Preschool and Day Care
200 S. Cruse Ave, Helena, MT
Provides affordable and quality daycare to children ages 2 ½ to 6 years old. Based on the Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy of child growth and guiding such growth. Focuses on the child’s developmental needs for freedom within limits and a carefully-prepared classroom that guarantees the child’s exposure to materials and experiences that develop intelligence, as well as physical and psychological abilities.
WIC Program (Women-Infants-Children)
1930 9th Ave, Suite 207, Helena, MT
443-2584 or 457-8912
The WIC Program provides health and nutrition assessment and education as well as referral to other agencies. The program serves pregnant or breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age five. Supplemental food specific to individual nutritional problems is provided through vouchers redeemable at grocery stores.
111 N Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2A, Helena, MT
Fax: 443-1391
William Evans, LCSW
Areas of specialization: Depression, stress and anger management, family therapy, suicide prevention, anxiety, job stress, marriage counseling, child conflict, troubled teens. Medicaid accepted.
Pat Frawley, MSW, LCSW
Areas of specialization: Divorce, mediation and children. Medicaid accepted.
Alison Schulte, Med, LCPC
Areas of specialization: Play therapy with children, working with pre-school children in abuse and neglect situations, women, depression, and sexual abuse. Medicaid accepted and sometimes offers a sliding fee scale.
2969 Airport Road, Helena
Stuart Klein, MA, LCPC
Short-term therapy with long-term results. Free phone consultation. Insurance accepted. Also offers phone counseling service called Tele-Therapist. Phone therapy can help people experiencing emotional pain and yet are unable or unwilling to go to a therapist. Utilizing solution-focused, brief therapy techniques, positive results are often achieved in eight phone sessions or less.
111 N Last Chance Gulch, Arcade Building, PO Box 1153, Helena
Townsend: 266-4358
Chemical Dependency Treatment. Medicaid pays only for those 21 years or younger. A sliding fee scale is available.
304 Broadway, Helena
Sandi Ashley, LCPC, PC
Areas of Specialty - Family & individual psychotherapy for abuse/neglect survivors & adoptive parents. Medicaid is accepted and a sliding fee scale can be arranged.
Barb Howe, LCSW
900 North Jackson, Helena
Center for Mental Health offers an array of community services including adult, child & family outpatient therapy; crisis intervention; adult and child case management services.
34 West 6th Avenue, Suite 2C, Helena
Dodie Heffner, MSW, LCSW
Areas of Specialty - Children, families, adult women (childhood trauma, sexual abuse, emotionally disturbed children). Medicaid is accepted. A sliding fee scale is not established but can be discussed/negotiated for fee payment schedule.
Pat Kemp, MSW, LCPC
Cheryl Ronish, LCSW
Areas of Specialty - Play Therapy, developmental play therapy, family therapy, abuse & loss issues. Medicaid is accepted & a sliding fee scale can be arranged.
Terry Tollakson, MA, LCPC
Areas of Specialty - Play Therapy. Medicaid is accepted & a sliding fee scale can be arranged.
44 W. 6th Ave
Kay Flinn, BACCDC, Level Two NADAAC
Areas of Specialty - Chemical dependency, substance abuse, problem gambling; adult child issues; co-dependency group, individual, family, & couples. No sliding fee scale - will contract for payments.
1002 North Benton Avenue, P.O. Box 1251, Helena
Margaret Jenkins, MSW, LSCW
Areas of Specialty - Adults, individual & group, families, children, individual & group, chemical dependency, organizational development, training & consultation, intensive weekend & day workshops, Adult women, depression, evaluations on children in home & institutional settings. Medicaid is accepted. No sliding fee.
48 Medical Park Drive, Helena
Joan M. Fitzgerald, LCSW
Areas of Specialty - Children, adolescents, & adults. My practice is general encompassing. Medicaid is accepted & a sliding fee scale can be arranged.
Cindy L. Little, LCSW
Areas of Specialty – Children and Family. I will provide adolescent, couples, and individual adult therapy.
6515 Green Meadow Drive, Helena
Darcie Kellie, LCSW
Fresh Steps EAP (Equine Assisted Psychotherapy) offers a valuable alternative to traditional "talk therapy." Using a team approach, Fresh Steps sessions include a licensed mental health professional, equine professional, and horses. Powerful metaphors develop as a client's approach to problems in general will be mirrored in their approach with the horse. The role of the human team is to provide both physical AND emotional safety. Horses are used because of their gentle nature, their honesty, and their ability to provide instant and non-threatening feedback for clients.
25 South Ewing, Suite #509, Helena
201 S. California, Helena
Areas of Specialty - Anticipatory grief (patient & family), bereavement - individual, family & groups. Medicaid is accepted. Currently no sliding fee scale - but first session & many of our other services are free. Contact Lynne for more info at 447-2464.
1225 Birch, Suite C, Helena
443-2977 or 442-7920
Michelle McCall, MD
Connie Moratelli, RN
A resource for the Helena Community in which families may receive caring, professional and comprehensive psychiatric services including assessment and ongoing medication management.
1125 Missoula Avenue, Helena
Carol Chisholm, MA, CCDC
Areas of Specialty: Family therapy, couples, children, adolescents. Family Systems trained therapist - also addictions counselor. Medicaid is accepted. No sliding fee scale/charge is $75/hr. individual or $45/group.
James Seymour, MA, CCDC
Areas of Specialty: Family therapy, chemical dependency/abuse, adolescents, children, adolescent groups & couple therapy; custody resolution & counseling & custody evaluation. Medicaid is not accepted yet. No sliding fee scale.
616 Helena Ave., Suite 301, Helena
Randy Fuhrmann, LCPC EMDR: 431-0964
Eric Wahler, LCPC EMDR: 457-0579
TERRI PARGOT DO Psychiatrist
825 Great Northern Blvd., Suite 313, Helena
44 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena
111 North Last Chance Gulch, Arcade Building, Suite 4J, Helena
Kevin Wyse, M.Ed., LCPC
Townsend office # - 266-3075
535 Saddle Drive, Helena
449-8824 fax: 449-8828
Scott Boyles, LAC: 443-2599
Area of Specialty: Chemical Dependency Evaluation and Counseling; Adolescents
Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 – 24-hour service
The Friendship Center
1430 Sanders, Helena, MT 59601
(406)442-6800 – Anytime
Provides safe shelter and other services for individuals and families who have suffered relationship abuse or sexual violence. The Friendship Center offers a 24-hour crisis line, emotional support, counseling, group support meetings, children’s programs, community outreach and education, victim/witness advocacy, and more. All services are free and confidential.
Sexual Assault Outreach
Provides crisis intervention, counseling, medical and legal advocacy, support services, information and referrals, and emergency shelter to women and men who experience sexual assault. SAO also maintains a 24-hour crisis line. All services are confidential and provided free of charge.
Adult Education Program
815 Front Street, Helena, MT 59601
447-8879 fax: 447-8936
Provides courses for the individual who wishes to enhance a hobby, develop an interest in a particular academic area or work on self-enrichment. The program is offered and administered by Helena School District No. 1. Classes are held in the evenings, and are divided into four categories, namely, vocational/occupational, general interest, hobbies, and academic.
Adult Learning Center
815 Front Street, Helena, MT 59601
447-8876 fax: 447-8936
Provides an education program through which a high school equivalency diploma (GED) can be obtained. The Center is also prepared to help people that need basic skill improvement for specific vocational purposes, who are learning English or a second language, who need citizenship preparation, or those who need college preparation and have not graduated from high school. Counseling and testing are available at the Center. Any adult who has been out of school for at least six months can apply.
Career Training Institute (CTI)
347 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601
Provides employment and training programs. Special target groups include economically disadvantaged individuals, displaced homemakers (men and women) faced with multiple barriers to employment, two-parent households, and single parents. Programs include Workforce Investment Act, youth and adult job training. Participants can access on-site classes that include: computer literacy, career preparation, “Jump Start,” commercial driver’s license, and heavy-equipment operator and flagging certification.
Educational Opportunity Center
Helena Job Service, 715 Front St, Helena, MT
Promotes access to education for adults. Information on how to pay for college – grants, loans, scholarships, applying for admission and financial aid – choosing a career, what education is needed to do that work, resources available to help adult students.
Helena Job Service – Work Force Center
715 Front St, P.O. Box 201505, Helena, MT
447-3200 or 447-3222 (24-hour job hotline)
Provides job placement, job development, employment counseling, testing, state job workshops, veterans’ services, and job training. No fee.
Project for Alternative Learning (PAL)
1325 Poplar St, Helena, MT
Alternative high school program for high school students who have experienced difficulty in the traditional program. Emphasis is placed on individual success, experimental programming, and close student-teacher relationships. Student must be currently enrolled in a Helena high school. Students who have dropped out are not eligible for PAL. All applications originate with the counseling departments of the high school the student is attending.
Vocational Rehabilitation
3075 N. Montana Ave, Helena, MT
Assists persons with disabilities in securing and maintaining employment. Must be 18 years of age or older. If eligible, provides for academic training, on-the-job training, and/or vocational training.
24-Hour Emergency Services
A 24-hour mental health emergency phone line is available to residents of Helena and surrounding areas. Face-to-face emergency assessments are available by licensed mental health professionals when required.
Child Abuse Hotline
1-866-820-5437 (24-hour hotline)
Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 – 24-hour service
Mental Health Crisis Line
Sexual Assault Outreach
Provides crisis intervention, counseling, medical and legal advocacy, support services, information and referrals, and emergency shelter to women and men who experience sexual assault. SAO also maintains a 24-hour crisis line. All services are confidential and provided free of charge.
Lewis & Clark County District Court Docket
Court calendars are updated each Friday for the following week.
Montana Dept. of Corrections Offender Network Search (Conweb)
Search individuals' names to find previous history with Department of Corrections in Montana.
Catholic Social Services for Montana
1301 11th Ave, Helena, MT 59601
24-hour pregnancy crisis hotline 800-222-9383
Provides counseling and assistance to all regardless of race, religion, or ethnic origin. Adoptive placement – conduct home studies for adoptive parents. Assistance in legal finalization for the adoption in District Court. Adoptive parents must meet several requirements to be considered.
Citizens’ Advocate
Governor’s Office, 1301 East 6th Ave #232, Helena, MT
Helps citizens who have problems directly pertaining to state government agencies.
Helena Indian Alliance
436 N. Jackson, Helena, MT
Alliance: 442-9244
Leo Pocha Clinic: 449-5796
Chemical Dependency & Mental Health: 443-7780
A nonprofit organization to improve social and socio-economic conditions for Native Americans by preparing dinners for senior citizens, sponsoring youth activities, implementing a substance abuse program, making referrals, providing health services, and general Native advocacy.
Montana Legal Services Association
616 Helena Ave, Helena, MT
442-9830 or 800-666-6124
Handles civil matters, such as divorce, custody of children, name change, etc. Income eligibility requirements for low-income families. No attorney fee. Client may be required to pay some costs, publication costs, etc. Often costs can be waived. Visit the website for general legal information and assistance.
Prevention Resource Center (PRC)
P.O. Box 4210, Helena, MT
Resources and referrals are provided via telephone, a website, and the Prevention Connectionnewsletter.
State Bar of Montana – Lawyer Referral Service
46 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2A, P.O. Box 577, Helena, MT
Attorney referral service: 449-6577
1200 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT
Dedicated to building self-esteem and enriching the spirit, mind, and body for persons of all ages and economic levels. Provides activities for adults and children including aerobics, aqua aerobics, swim lessons, sports leagues, gymnastics, after-school child care with transportation from school, full-day child care, residential camp, summer day camps, drop-in nursery, and family and individual memberships. Financial assistance is available.
American Red Cross - Lewis and Clark Chapter
805 North Main, Helena, MT 59601
A humanitarian organization, led by volunteers, that provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Also provides courses in First Aid, CPR & water safety, babysitting classes and blood program.
Center for Mental Health
900 N. Jackson, Helena, MT
443-7151 or 1-888-442-5353
Clinical services include psychiatric, medication monitoring, individual and group therapy, and community outreach. Provides job coach supportive employment services, supportive living program, and Hannaford Group Home (449-5650).
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
1-877-543-7669 or 444-6971
Health insurance program for children who are not eligible for Medicaid and have no other health insurance coverage. Call for application.
Children’s Wish Foundation International
Fulfills special wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Cooperative Health Center
Lewis & Clark City-County Health Dept.
1930 9th Ave, Helena, MT
Provides comprehensive primary health care services, mental health services, and dental care to residents of Lewis and Clark County based on income and family size.
Disability Rights Montana
1022 Chestnut Street, Helena, MT
449-2344 or 800-245-4743
Disability Rights Montana is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of Montanans with disabilities. The mission of Disability Rights Montana is to protect and advocate the human, legal, and civil rights of Montanans with disabilities while advancing dignity, equality, and self-determination.
Family Outreach
1212 Helena Ave, Helena, MT
Home-based services, education, and support to children and families with developmental delays or disabilities. Services for infant through early adulthood. Also provides supportive living program for those age 18 and older.
Helena Vision Center
534 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT
Offers free eye exams for infants 6-12 months old through the Infant See program.
2312 Lockey, Helena, MT
Care for life-threatening illnesses or terminally ill. Provides individual and group counseling. No one is denied due to inability to pay.
500 S. Lamborn, Helena, MT
Provides residential care, day treatment, and education to emotionally disturbed youth who are unable to function within their homes or community. Agency referrals usually through DPHHS-Child and Family Services.
Helena Indian Alliance – Leo Pocha Health Clinic
436 N. Jackson, Helena, MT
Provides services of a medical doctor. Fee is based on ability to pay. Third-party billing is accepted. No one, regardless of race, will be refused.
Lewis & Clark AIDS Project
P.O. Box 832, Helena, MT
Direct services to those affected by HIV. Education and prevention information.
Lewis & Clark City-County Health Department
1930 9th Ave, Suite 207, Helena, MT
The Health Department provides health education and communicable disease control through immunization services. The walk-in immunization clinic serves infants, young children, school children, teens, and adults. Costs are based on income and family size but no one is denied services based on inability to pay. Anonymous HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services. Free Blood Lead Level testing is also available.
Medicaid/CHIP Outreach Program
1930 9th Ave, Helena, MT
Provides education and assistance to families living in Lewis & Clark County seeking free or low-cost health coverage for their children.
Federal Health Insurance program for people 65 or older and people of any age with permanent kidney failure, as well as disabled people under the age of 65.
Planned Parenthood
1500 Cannon, Helena, MT
Provides health care, limited primary care, birth control, pregnancy testing and counseling, gynecology exams, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS testing and education, nutrition education, rubella screenings, PMS counseling, infertility education, and free blood pressure screening. All services provided are confidential. A sliding fee scale is used to determine payment with all costs at a reasonable rate. Offers mid-life services and free educational, sexuality, and parent/child counseling.
PLUK – “Parents Let’s Unite for Kids”
PLUK is a parent coalition that has been formed to provide information and support to individuals with disabilities and their families. The philosophy of PLUK is to use parents to help other parents cope with the special needs of their children. There are many resources and services available to the handicapped in Montana, and PLUK assists in locating them.
Social Security Administration
New Federal Building, Great Northern Town Center
Provides retirement, survivors, and disability monthly benefits. Must have work credits and age for retirement and survivors benefits. Medicare benefits, if qualified. Disability benefits are based on work credits and physical or mental disability, age, and very limited income and resources.
School District No. 1 – Student Special Services
55 S. Rodney, Helena, MT
Provides supportive services such a psychological, special education, and physical assistance to students enrolled in the school system. Must be enrolled in school and be eligible for services under state and federal guidelines. Serves children ages 3 and above.
Shodair Children’s Hospital
2755 Colonial Drive, Helena, MT
Shodair currently provides the following services: Child Psychiatric Services, which provides help to children and adolescents experiencing severe emotional difficulties. Shodair’s Psychiatric programs include: Acute Psychiatric Program, Residential Treatment, Adolescent Program, Children’s Program and Partial Hospitalization. Shodair also has a Department of Medical Genetics which provides comprehensive services to individuals with genetic conditions or concerns about their risk to transmit or develop a genetic disorder. Services include: Genetic Diagnostics & Counseling, Information & Library Services, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Effects, Fetal Pathology, Statewide Genetic Clinics, Cancer Risk Analysis, Chromosome Studies, Prenatal Diagnosis, Chronic Villus Sampling, and Maternal Screening.
Shriner’s for Children
Algeria Shrine Temple
15 N. Jackson Ave, Helena, MT
Provides medical information and assistance in the areas of ortho, spinal and burns to youth and handicapped individuals age 18 and under. Services are free. Also, contact Masonic, Scottish Rite, and York Rite for other possible sources of information and special kinds of assistance.
Vocational Rehabilitation
3075 N. Montana Ave, Helena, MT
Assists persons with disabilities in securing and maintaining employment. Must be 18 years of age or older. If eligible, provides for academic training, on the job training, and/or vocational training.
WIC Program (Women-Infants-Children)
1930 9th Ave, Suite 207, Helena, MT
443-2584 or 457-8912
The WIC Program provides health and nutrition assessment and education as well as referral to other agencies. The program serves pregnant or breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age five. Supplemental food specific to individual nutritional problems is provided through vouchers redeemable at grocery stores.
Helena Pediatric Clinic PC
1122 North Montana Avenue, Helena
Livery Square #206, 534 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601
443-0662 / 800-550-4900
Free and confidential help to any female distressed by an unwanted pregnancy. Provides free pregnancy test to any woman who suspects she may be pregnant, support in telling her family, counseling and support during her entire pregnancy, shelter homes. Also has an extensive file of agencies which can provide monetary support or professional medical services at sliding scale rates for any woman in need.
Family Child Health Home Visiting
Lewis & Clark City-County Health Dept., 1930 9th Ave, Helena, MT
Provides information, education, referral, and support through home visits to pregnant women and families with children up to age five. Pregnant women are assisted in obtaining prenatal care, nutrition information, housing, and other financial assistance. Families receive periodic screening and assessment of childhood development, referral to community services, parenting education, and general support. Voluntary and confidential.
Florence Crittenton Home & Services
901 N. Harris, Helena, MT
Offers residential group home care for pregnant and parenting adolescent women. The focus of the program is therapeutic and educational. Residential programs offered for: prenatal, mother/baby, and independent living training. Also provided are outpatient services, counseling services and classes for young mothers, father and parents, as well as moderate level therapeutic group home for non-parents.
Planned Parenthood
1500 Cannon, Helena, MT
Provides health care, limited primary care, birth control, pregnancy testing and counseling, gynecology exams, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS testing and education, nutrition education, rubella screenings, PMS counseling, infertility education, and free blood pressure screening. All services provided are confidential. A sliding fee scale is used to determine payment with all costs at a reasonable rate. Offers mid-life services and free educational, sexuality, and parent/child counseling.
WIC Program (Women-Infants-Children)
1930 9th Ave, Suite 207, Helena, MT
443-2584 or 457-8912
The WIC Program provides health and nutrition assessment and education as well as referral to other agencies. The program serves pregnant or breast feeding women, infants, and children up to age five. Supplemental food specific to individual nutritional problems is provided through vouchers redeemable at grocery stores.
AWARE, Inc. Youth Case Management
616 Helena Ave., Helena, MT 59604
449-3120 fax: 449-3125
Provides community-based case management services to qualifying children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance, building on the strengths of each child and family in a supportive, empowering, effective, and efficient manner. Regional offices are located in Anaconda, Butte, Bozeman, Helena, and Dillon.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
34 W. 6th Ave, Helena, MT 59601
442-7479 / 442-1982
Age requirement to be a little brother or sister is 6-14 years. Accepts referrals for any child who needs the companionship of an adult other than parent or legal guardian and helps establish good adult/child relationships and friendships.
Boy Scouts of America
Helena, MT
Provides activities for males (K-12) to develop a sense of individuality, self-esteem, and interests. Builds character, confidence and leadership.
Court Services/Juvenile Probation
Lewis & Clark County Courthouse
228 Broadway, Room 306, Helena, MT
Provides youth court services, including counseling, supervision, and correctional services.
Family Outreach
1212 Helena Ave, Helena, MT
Home-based services, education, and support for children and families with developmental delays or disabilities. Services for infants through early adulthood. Also provides supportive living program for those age 18 and older.
Florence Crittenton Home & Services
901 N. Harris, Helena, MT
Offers residential group home care for pregnant and parenting adolescent women. The focus of the program is therapeutic and educational. Residential programs offered for prenatal, mother/baby, and independent living training. Also provided are outpatient services, counseling services and classes for young mothers, fathers, and parents, as well as moderate-level therapeutic group home for non-parents.
Foster Grandparent Program
Rocky Mountain Development Council
200 S. Cruse Ave, P.O. Box 1717, Helena, MT
457-7300 or 800-356-6544
Foster grandparents give their time and love to children in places such as daycare centers, school systems, Head Start programs, and various other nonprofit agencies. They serve children who have needs that range from mental to physical disabilities and the emotional needs of latchkey children.
Girl Scouts of the United States of America
324 Fuller Ave, Helena, MT
Provides activities for girls to develop a sense of individuality, self-esteem, and interests. All ages.
Head Start Program
Rocky Mountain Development Council
200 S. Cruse Ave, Room 218, P.O. Box 1717, Helena, MT
457-7308 or 800-356-6544
Provides an Early Childhood Development Program for children 3-5 years of age and their families. To help enrolled children achieve their full potential, Head Start provides comprehensive health, nutritional, educational, social, and other services. Head Start promotes the direct participation of parents in the development, conduct, and direction of the program. Federal income guidelines and an intake process determine eligibility.
500 S. Lamborn, Helena, MT
Provides residential care, day treatment, and education to emotionally disturbed youth who are unable to function within their homes or community. Agency referrals usually through DPHHS-Child and Family Services.
Montana Youth Homes
P.O. Box 7616, Missoula, MT 59807-7616
MYH offers group home opportunities for placement of youth (birth to 18 years of age).
Project for Alternative Learning (PAL)
1325 Poplar St, Helena, MT
Alternative high school program for high school students who have experienced difficulty in the traditional program. Emphasis is placed on individual success, experimental programming, and close student-teacher relationships. Student must be currently enrolled in a Helena high school. Students who have dropped out are not eligible for PAL. All applications originate with the counseling departments of the high school the student is attending.
Rocky Mountain Preschool and Day Care
200 S. Cruse Ave, Helena, MT
Provides affordable and quality daycare to children ages 2 ½ to 6 years old. Based on the Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy of child growth and guiding such growth. Focuses on the child’s developmental needs for freedom within limits and a carefully-prepared classroom that guarantees the child’s exposure to materials and experiences that develop intelligence, as well as physical and psychological abilities.
Shodair Children’s Hospital
2755 Colonial Drive, Helena, MT
Shodair currently provides the following services: Child Psychiatric Services, which provides help to children and adolescents experiencing severe emotional difficulties. Shodair’s Psychiatric programs include: Acute Psychiatric Program, Residential Treatment, Adolescent Program, Children’s Program and Partial Hospitalization. Shodair also has a Department of Medical Genetics which provides comprehensive services to individuals with genetic conditions or concerns about their risk to transmit or develop a genetic disorder. Services include: Genetic Diagnostics & Counseling, Information & Library Services, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Effects, Fetal Pathology, Statewide Genetic Clinics, Cancer Risk Analysis, Chromosome Studies, Prenatal Diagnosis, Chronic Villus Sampling, and Maternal Screening.
Shriner’s for Children
Algeria Shrine Temple
15 N. Jackson Ave, P.O. Box 1174, Helena, MT
Provides medical information and assistance in the areas of orthopedics, spinal injuries, and burns to youth and handicapped individuals age 18 and under. Services are free.
Wakina Sky Learning Circle and Library
Helena Indian Alliance
436 N. Jackson, P.O. Box 1240, Helena, MT
After school program for students grades 1 through 12 at the Helena Indian Alliance. Includes mentoring, academic tutoring, physical activities, art, and Native American cultural activities.
Youth Dynamics, Inc. (YDI)
44 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT
Lewis and Clark Therapeutic Youth Home (With Equine-Assisted Therapy)
4110 Lincoln Road, Helena, MT
461-8248 (cell)
Arranges therapeutic foster care for emotionally disturbed youth, 0-18 years of age. Referral to YDI comes from DPHHS, AWARE, and independent therapists working with the children. YDI works with parents of children placed in therapeutic foster care. They also provide the following support services and treatment to parents: weekly home visits by a YDI treatment manager, scheduled respite on a regular basis, monthly training and support group, 24-hour emergency response, ongoing trainings, and a tax-free stipend (a good second income). Family support teams, outpatient therapy, youth case management, and family support.
Youth in Crisis
This website was designed to help community members navigate through a crisis situation to find the services they need.
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